Sometimes, the little things count. A handbag, after all, is a utilitarian creation made beautiful because of its utter necessity - a bag that was difficult to carry would be useless to most women. As such, there are only so many design alteration that you can make to a bag, and I often think that making a beautiful bag with minimal design innovations is much more difficult than making a bag thats art first and useful second. Which is why I love the Prada Cervo Lux Shoulder Bag - because, at its heart, its just a purse. Its a tote that would hold everything you need with two straps long enough to toss it over your shoulder. Its magnetic closure is easy to fasten and unfasten, and its corners and strap attachments are reinforced for durability. Its a bag thats meant to be used instead of gazed upon. Theres a rivet here and a chain detail there (I love the straps), but its almost unnerving in its simplicity. Prada makes some gimmicky bags, for sure, but I think its probably bags like this one that earn them such devoted fans.