Oh, thank you God, finally. My handbags prayers have been answered. Because Prada has made some questionable handbags lately, and for a designer so known for their bags, it was getting kind of discouraged. The Prada St. Pitone Tote is not my favorite bag that Ive ever seen, but its a strong improvement over the randomly bedazzled bags weve seen from the brand lately. The tote takes a cue from their diffusion Miu Miu lines very successful Bow Satchel with its side adornment, although this totes finishing is a little looser and softer. Combine that with a beautiful, large-scale python skin and and some cute top handles, and Pradas got a great satchel on their hands that will likely sell very well for them. Now if only theyd get away from that habit of sticking random stuff to their bags that has grown so tiresome.